Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is it going to be Summer yet?

Yesterday, M asked me if we could open the pool cause she would really like to go swimming. Well M it's winter and we can't do that cause it's FREEZING outside. No it's not, she proceeds to argue. The sun is shinning and I'm warm. And then she says I really only want to sit on the side and soak up the sun. I try not to laugh, because it hurts her feelings, but she is so darn funny! I tried to bargain with her that she was more than welcome to go outside and lay in the sun, but she could not wear just the swim suit. As many of you know M has wore a swimsuit 24/7 for a couple years now and I was hoping that she had grown out of that stage since starting kindergarten, but NO! She was back in her swimsuit last night just like the years before. My only saving grace this morning, was that this summer when we visited with her teacher, she told her she could not wear her swimsuit to school. Whew! Thank you Mrs. J for that comment - it stuck in her head! But I'm thinkin' it will be back on as soon as she gets home!

I know it's only November, and we have a long winter ahead of us, but I thought I would post a few photos just to let us all feel a little warmer! AHH can't you just feel the warmth?


Grace said...

Tell M that I am with her! As soon as you open your pool tell her I'll come swimming with her!

CHAZ said...

I am taking applications for Babysitters over the summer.

James W said...

Well if you come and visit us we could probably still swim. We are suppose to get up to around 80 today. So see more of an incentive to fly south for the winter! :)

Kim said...

Ahh! I can just see us enjoying a warm summer day in your pool! Can't wait M!