Monday, January 7, 2008


My kids have been begging to see the new Chipmunks movie, and I have to admit that I was curious as well. I remember the Chipmunks when I was a kid - as a cartoon - now CRAZY things have evolved with animation these days, the movie was so life like. Does anyone remember the girl chipmunks? Anyways, the movie was great. Laugh out loud funny! But it had an even better point and we got to talking about the movie after we left and it really stressed to my kids that having fun is good, but having a family is more important!


Grace said...

Sounds fun! Do you think Nate would like the Chipmunks movie? We've been thinking about taking him.

CHAZ said...

It's funny! But I'm also not your best critic. It has a good moral that's for sure. And he would definately love all the music.

Grace said...

This would be his first movie-going experience, but I think he's old enough to sit through it and understand about needing to be quiet and stuff. We may just take him with some of the Christmas money my uncle gave us to use for him. That would count as a present, right?