Haven't blogged in awhile just because lots of changes have taken place over the last few weeks. As most of you know I am now working for Greg, and things are WAY different than they used to be. I'm still doing everything I used to do, but now it's just 10 time more! That's good, but it has been pushing buttons on my availability time. In my quiet time I have been studying about priorities for the last couple of days, and it has really hit home. I have a family and I truly want and need to spend time with them, I have a job that helps pay the bills, so I need it, and I have a church that I love to be involved with and help where ever I can. Gosh, I kept praying to God asking Him that he surely approved of me doing all these things, but why wasn't it working anymore? I love my quite time with God, because that's how I got this time to blog. He fixes everything! Seek Him first! He tell us that over and over in His word, we just have to be obedient. Everyday God shows me and helps me prepare my day, because I seek Him first! Sometimes you just have those A HAH moments and you have to share.
The kids have been enjoying the nice weather on the very FEW days we get it, G and P have been fishing, thanks to Grams I have pictures of those -

The girls have dance all weekend, so I'll try to get some pictures and post them next week!